当前位置 首页 喜剧片 《锡矿山》


类型:未知 泰国  2005 

主演:Pijaya Vachajitpan Donlaya Mudcha 

导演:Jira Maligool 


Set in 1950 and based on the series of autobiographical short stories by Archin Panjabhan, the beginning finds Archin expelled from Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University in his sophomore year. He is packed off to southern Thailand, where he supposedly has a job waiting for him. It's in a remote, mountainous jungle that doesn't even "rate a spot on the map", a place that is little but all-consuming red mud and seemingly endless, torrential downpours.Archin arrives, letter of recommendation in hand, at the mining company office, only to be told that there are no jobs. The company's superintendent, Sam, a stern Australian veteran of the Death Railway who asks Archin if he is willing to do manual labor. Archin answers to the affirmative and he's hired. He's even given a house of his own, (which happens to be haunted).Everyone, from the lowliest Malaysian laborers to John, the burly chief of the mining staff, derides Ajin as a "Bangkok boy" who isn't fit for hard work and Archin is constantly put to the test. Eventually, he becomes a trusted, integral member of the company, working as a surveyor.




    咪咕电影网网友: Set in 1950 and based on the series of autobiographical short stories by Archin Panjabhan, the beginning finds Archin expelled from Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University in his sophomore year. He is packed off to southern Thailand, where he supposedly has a job waiting for him. It's in a remote, mountainous jungle that doesn't even "rate a spot on the map", a place that is little but all-consuming red mud and seemingly endless, torrential downpours.Archin arrives, letter of recommendation in hand, at the mining company office, only to be told that there are no jobs. The company's superintendent, Sam, a stern Australian veteran of the Death Railway who asks Archin if he is willing to do manual labor. Archin answers to the affirmative and he's hired. He's even given a house of his own, (which happens to be haunted).Everyone, from the lowliest Malaysian laborers to John, the burly chief of the mining staff, derides Ajin as a "Bangkok boy" who isn't fit for hard work and Archin is constantly put to the test. Eventually, he becomes a trusted, integral member of the company, working as a surveyor.






    青苹果影院网友:截止到2005 ,《锡矿山》更新至HD。



    6、在《锡矿山》这部剧中,你觉得Pijaya Vachajitpan,Donlaya Mudcha的演技怎么样?

    影视大全网友:最近有Pijaya Vachajitpan,Donlaya Mudcha等演员主演的未知影视一经播出就受到了很多观众的欢迎和认可,这部未知影视里面,演员的演技都是非常值得肯定的,我觉得Pijaya Vachajitpan,Donlaya Mudcha在里面的演技非常的好,他能够去把握这个角色所要表达的情感,向观众展现出更好的作品

    7、《锡矿山》喜剧片 演员有哪些,导演是谁?

    人人影视网友:有以下演员主演:Pijaya Vachajitpan,Donlaya Mudcha ,导演是Jira Maligool 。


    秋秋影视网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:锡矿山手机在线观看免费,就可以找到免费正版播放资源了。手机免费看锡矿山网址: http://v.juhuatv.com/detail/97322.html ,这个网站免费无广告。






    mtime时光网影评:第一次这么喜欢一部剧的女主角这个角色 聪明 独立 淡然 很有自己的主见 特别是略微带有的那一点狡黠 真是可爱极了!


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